Samantha Mehlinger, Chair
Zoe Nicholson, Vice Chair
Jennifer Allen Harper, Commissioner
Dr. Stephanie Anckle, Commissioner
Irma Archuleta, Commissioner
Sathya Chey Patterson, Commissioner
Long Beach City Seal
Helena Donato-Sapp, Commissioner
Maria Gonzalez, Commissioner
Maleka Lassiter, Commissioner
Alyce LaViolette, Commissioner
Vanessa Mosqueda, Commissioner
At 6:30 PM, Chair Mehlinger called the meeting to order.
Commissioners Present: Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger

Commissioners Absent: Lassiter

Also present: Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, Tony Viramontes, Equity and Community Engagement Program Specialist, Jessica Ramos-Guerra, Equity Administrative Assistant, Teresa Chandler, Deputy City Manager, Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney, Alyssa Campos, City Clerk Specialist.
Commissioner Lassiter is excused from the meeting.

Chair Mehlinger spoke.

Dawn McIntosh, City Attorney, spoke.
24-55007 Recommendation to approve the minutes for the Commission for Women and Girls meeting of Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
A motion was made by Commissioner LaViolette, seconded by Commissioner Chey Patterson, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 1 Lassiter
24-55008 Recommendation to receive and file a presentation from The Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force on their services and advocacy.
A motion was made by Commissioner LaViolette, seconded by Commissioner Chey Patterson, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 1 Lassiter
Teresa Gomez, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke; and continued the PowerPoint presentation.
Commissioner LaViolette spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Commissioner Chey Patterson spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mary Anne Silvestri, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Commissioner Chey Patterson spoke.
A dialogue ensued between Commissioner Chey Patterson and Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force.
Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
A dialogue ensued between Vice Chair Nicholson and Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force.
Commissioner Archuleta spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
A dialogue ensued between Commissioner Archuleta and Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Commissioner Archuleta spoke.
Commissioner Mosqueda spoke.
Commissioner Anckle spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mary Anne Silvestri, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Commissioner Gonzalez spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Teresa Gomez, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Commissioner LaViolette spoke.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Chair Mehlinger spoke.
Teresa Gomez, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mary White, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Jeff Sapp spoke.
Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mary Anne Silvestri, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.
Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.
Commissioner Anckle spoke.
Mary White, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Mary Anne Silvestri, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Commissioner Anckle spoke.
Mariah Sewe, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
Pamela Sepulveda, Member, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke.
24-55009 Recommendation to receive and file a presentation from the City Attorney’s Office regarding the advisory authority of the Commission.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gonzalez, seconded by Commissioner LaViolette, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 1 Lassiter
Chair Mehlinger spoke.

Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney, spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation.

Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.

Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney, spoke.

A dialogue ensued between Vice Chair Nicholson and Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney.

Dawn McIntosh, City Attorney, spoke.

Commissioner Archuleta spoke.

Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney, spoke.
24-54676-01 Recommendation to receive and file updates from the Office of Equity.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chey Patterson, seconded by Commissioner LaViolette, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 1 Lassiter
Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Chair Mehlinger spoke.

Commissioner Archuleta spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Commissioner LaViolette spoke.

Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.
24-55011 Recommendation to adopt Community Agreements for Commission meetings.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chey Patterson, seconded by Commissioner Anckle, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 1 Lassiter
Chair Mehlinger spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation.

Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.

Chair Mehlinger spoke.

Commissioner LaViolette spoke.

Commissioner Gonzalez spoke.

Commissioner Mosqueda spoke.

Chair Mehlinger spoke.

Vice Chair Nicholson spoke.

Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney, spoke.
24-55012 Recommendation to adopt a time certain, establishing meeting operating hours as 6:30 PM-8:30 PM, with the option to extend meetings as necessary by a vote of the Commission.
A motion was made by Commissioner Archuleta, seconded by Commissioner Mosqueda, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Allen Harper, Anckle, Archuleta, Chey Patterson, Donato-Sapp, Gonzalez, LaViolette, Mosqueda, Nicholson, Mehlinger
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 1 Lassiter
Chair Mehlinger spoke.

Commissioner Archuleta spoke.

Commissioner Chey Patterson spoke.

Chair Mehlinger spoke.

A dialogue ensued between Chair Mehlinger and Commissioner Chey Patterson.

Anita Lakhani, Deputy City Attorney, spoke.
There were no Online Public Comments and non-agenda public comment emails received.
There were no announcements.
At 8:22 PM, there being no objection, Chair Mehlinger declared the meeting adjourned.