Dr. Eduardo Lara, Chair
Christopher Covington, Vice Chair
Cory Allen, Commissioner
Dr. Sharifa Batts, Commissioner
Robbie Butler, Commissioner
Trace Camacho, Commissioner
Long Beach City Seal
Jessica Gillette, Commissioner
Alyssa Gutierrez, Commissioner
Cheryl Koll, Commissioner
M. Lissette Flores, Commissioner
Keyona Montgomery, Commissioner
Jon Schultz, Commissioner
At 6:08 PM, Chair Lara called the meeting to order.
  Commissioners Present:   Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
  Commissioners Absent:   Allen, Camacho
Also present: Tony Viramontes, Equity and Community Engagement Program Specialist, Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, Teresa Chandler, Deputy City Manager, Alyssa Campos, City Clerk Specialist.
Chair Lara provided opening remarks.

Commissioner Gillette provided a land acknowledgment.
23-24820 Recommendation to approve minutes for the Equity and Human Relations Commission Meeting of Wednesday, October 4, 2023.
A motion was made by Commissioner Batts, seconded by Commissioner Gutierrez, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 2 Allen, Camacho
23-24821 Recommendation to discuss Ad Hoc Committees best practices including membership, Ad Hoc priorities, and Ad Hoc deliverables.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Butler, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 9 Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 3 Allen, Batts, Camacho
Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation.

Chair Lara spoke.

Vice Chair Covington spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Koll spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Unidentified person spoke.

Bill Sive spoke.
23-24822 Recommendation to receive and file a report from current Ad Hoc Committees; discuss anticipated Ad Hoc Committees for upcoming projects; and, if appropriate, take action to dissolve or create Ad Hoc Committees.
A motion was made by Chair Lara, seconded by Vice Chair Covington, to approve recommendation, as amended, to create an Ad Hoc Committee that identifies the needs of the LGBTQ and BIPOC communities in matters aligned to our Roadmap and draft a recommendation in support of a current community survey/needs assessment of these communities and in support of current efforts around the indigenous community, whose members are Vice Chair Covington, Commissioner Batts, Commissioner Butler and Commissioner Lissette Flores; and [2] create an Ad Hoc Committee that identifies and assess equity impact statements from other Cities or entities that the Commission can draw from, whose members are Chair Lara and Commissioner Koll.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 2 Allen, Camacho
Unidentified person spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Vice Chair Covington spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Vice Chair Covington spoke.

A dialogue ensued between Vice Chair Covington and Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department.

Chair Lara spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

A dialogue ensued between Chair Lara and Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department.

Commissioner Butler spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

A dialogue ensued between Commissioner Butler and Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Koll spoke.
23-24823 Recommendation to discuss the impact of the Israel-Palestine War on human relations with the community members of the City of Long Beach; and, if necessary, submit a letter to the Mayor and City Council with a recommendation regarding the same.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gutierrez, seconded by Vice Chair Covington, to approve recommendation, as amended, to create an Ad Hoc Committee, whose members are Chair Lara and Commissioner Gutierrez, to submit a letter to City Council on behalf of the Equity and Human Relations Commission to [1] recommend City Council adopt a local resolution supporting a Ceasefire and demand to end violence in Israel and Occupied Palestine immediately, urge Long Beach congressional delegation to sign onto the Ceasefire Now Resolution (HR 786), and allow humanitarian aid and medical supplies in Gaza.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 2 Allen, Camacho
A motion was made by Commissioner Gutierrez, seconded by Vice Chair Covington, to approve recommendation, as amended, to create an Ad Hoc Committee, whose members are Chair Lara and Commissioner Gutierrez, to submit a letter to City Council on behalf of the Equity and Human Relations Commission to [2] recommend City Council identify local programs and services that de-escalate Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism; foster community relations, dialogues centering Palestinian and Jewish voices, and mental health for residents affected by the conflict.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 2 Allen, Camacho
A motion was made by Commissioner Gutierrez, seconded by Vice Chair Covington, to approve recommendation, as amended, to create an Ad Hoc Committee, whose members are Chair Lara and Commissioner Gutierrez, to submit a letter to City Council on behalf of the Equity and Human Relations Commission to [3] recommend City Council condemn all forms of hate, violence, apartheid, xenophobia, colonialism, genocide and mass ethnic cleansing.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 2 Allen, Camacho
Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Sara Zaidi spoke.

Tarek Mohamed spoke.

James Suazo spoke; and submitted a handout.

Unidentified person spoke.

Shirin spoke.

Annie spoke.

T. K. Le spoke.

Joy Yamaguchi spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Commissioner Montgomery spoke.

Vice Chair Covington spoke.

Commissioner Koll spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Vice Chair Covington spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Chair Lara declared a recess at 8:13 p.m.

Chair Lara called the meeting back to order at 8:31 p.m.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Vice Chair Covington spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

A dialogue ensued among Chair Lara, Vice Chair Covington and Commissioner Gutierrez.

Commissioner Batts spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Commissioner Schultz spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

Alanah Grant, Equity Officer, City Manager Department, spoke.

Chair Lara spoke.

Commissioner Gutierrez spoke.

A dialogue ensued between Chair Lara and Commissioner Gutierrez.
23-24824 Recommendation to receive and file a monthly update from the Office of Equity.
A motion was made by Commissioner Montgomery, seconded by Commissioner Butler, to approve recommendation.  The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 Batts, Butler, Gillette, Gutierrez, Koll, Lissette Flores, Montgomery, Schultz, Covington, Lara
No: 0 None
Recused: 0 None
Abstain: 0 None
Absent: 2 Allen, Camacho
Tony Viramontes, Equity and Community Engagement Program Specialist, spoke.
There was no public comment.
There were no announcements.
At 8:52 PM, there being no objection, Chair Lara declared the meeting adjourned.